Happy October Everyone !!

Happy October Everyone !!

With a few weeks under our belts in school and settling into the “new norm” I wanted to take a few minutes to help remind each other of the “goods” going on.
I know each of us are dealing with differing levels of stress, crisis and/or negative issues. It is ultimately how we look at and with what coping strategies we utilize as to whether we let them overpower our joy for life.
I wanted to remind each of you, including myself, to take moments throughout the day to recognize the good and positive things in life. Whether it be reflecting on gratefulness, of what you have or have experienced, the growth you have made towards a dream or goal, a new relationship, hobby or commitment, your strength through a tough spell, lesson learned from an event or situation; I urge you to take a few deep breaths and just acknowledge, were you are, what “good” is happening in your life, today, at this moment. You could take this a step further and create a mantra or affirmation for yourself to help bring about more positivity and joy. “I am strong,” ”life is full of love,” ”I am enough,” ”I keep moving forward,” ”I am brave,” ”I can do this”. Now take that affirmation and believe it. Replace a negative, hurtful current belief and replace it with this new belief.
One way to replace beliefs with affirmations is to practice them, repeat them, and see them, over and over. You can repeat your affirmation/mantra every night before bed or every morning. Doing so is a great way to start the day off with positivity. I am a visual person, so I need to see my affirmation. So, I post it! On the mirror, or in my closet, or on my clock. My affirmation this week is “Open.” Open to change, to new beginnings, to love, to friendships, and open to adventure.
I would love to hear what your affirmation or mantra is for the week. If you need help coming up with some, I am here to help.
Replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts is empowering. You have control of your life, who you are and who you want to become. You are changing your belief system to one where you are empowered to love yourself and reach those dreams.
I love fall! I feel like the weather and holidays bring about more time to slow down and reflect on what is good.
This “love letter” is new for me. I want to enrich my services to you; provide bits of information and encouragement for those “between” times of seeing your shining faces. If, you do not want to be a part, no harm, drop me a line and I will remove you from my list.
Have a great day!
Breath, love, believe in yourself, and think positive.



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